Wednesday, August 27, 2008

30th Anniversary Party!

My sister-and-brother-in-law, Tim and Judy, had a surprise 30th Anniversary luau thrown by their 5 kids this weekend.. The kids had them arrive at the park blindfolded (they thought they were going to Mexican food!).....
and then they took the blindfolds off to "SURPRISE!!!" and many, many old and new friends and family members! Plus a big sign announcing their gift of a trip to Maui this December!
Tony, the oldest, almost 30 years old, read a very touching and funny poem written for his parents..... there's a lot of humor needed in a family with 5 kids each born 2 years apart! The 4 kids pictured are: Jana, Janine, Tony and Jandi. Timmy, the baby, is serving a mission in Brazil for 2 years.
Tony and his wife, Krista, put together a fantastic video presentation with lots of great pictures from Tim and Judy's wedding, then a journey through each of the kids being born, then on to the grandkids.... everyone was in tears, it was very touching.
This is our great-niece, Abby, Tony and Krista's 2nd child. (Tim and Judy's only grand-daughter out of FIVE grandkids!) Anyway, nobody can get near Abby except Krista when she's awake, so I got this shot quickly!

This is Conner, swinging away at a pinata... He's Janine's baby.
This is Kasen, Rosie's 3rd child. Rosie is another one of our nieces from sister-in-law Joann.
This is my baby girl Shanna with Rosie's middle child, Graci. She's actually so much like Jenae as a 3 year old it's unbelievable.
And here's Preston, Tony and Krista's son, spittttttting image of daddy as a baby!!
Benjamin is Jana's oldest boy, he's one of the few blondes in the family because his daddy is very blonde! There's never been a blonde kid in Tim and Judy's family so Jana having little blondes is very funny!

And here's Jana with tiny baby boy Elijah.... he's blonde too and just as precious as can be. What a sweet cuddle bug he is!
Eric and Jenae (and Shanna of course) pretty much spent the day chasing around after their cousin's little babies... the moms are completely worn out these days!
It was a beautiful party with chicken and beef kabobs, lots of fruit, salads, rolls, chips and salsa and costco cakes (the best!)... Grants Pass Oregon has a beautiful park but boy, was it hot that day! Us Portlanders felt a wee bit uncomortable .... (read: sweating like pigs).....
Great Job Tony and Krista, Jana, Jandi, Janine! It was an awesome day!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for adding this to your blog! Thank you very much for all of your help at the party, we couldn't have done it without you guys!

Justabeachkat said...

Hi Karol

Thanks for visiting my blog! I hope you'll come're always welcome. That's what I love about blogging - getting to meet lots of people from across the country/world. You've got a nice blog.
