Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How Could One Little Thing...

... Make me so dang happy??? This little item has made my kitchen sink visits almost enjoyable! The pretty-fruity-orange color inside, the clean and simple design outside, it's made me happier than I could imagine... (Oh, OK, it's not THAT great). I'll always be able to tell when I'm close to running out -- but I suspect I'll keep it filled up pretty close to the top half or more!
Is there anything in your everyday life that makes you want to chortle with glee???


Jenn aka boysmama said...

ahhh...see I would be the same way. In fact...I got this cute little scrubber that has a suction cup and sits up on the ledge of my sink. It totally makes me happy. :)

Thanks for the comment on my blog. This town is actually bigger. :) 1800 people and there is a theatre..tee hee. :) But we would be on the ranch so the boys wouldn't get bored. And heck...I graduated in a class of 8! tee hee I don't know if *I* could handle the small town life now that I've been out of one for so long!! But I think we've decided to let it go...but if it comes up again I'm thinking I'll take it as a sign!!
Have a great day!

Scrappy Girl said...

I just bought a new air freshener thingy from bath and body works. They quit selling them because the old ones had exploded in people's cars. Thank God that did not happen to me! I was SO excited to see the new ones.

Love the orange soap! I am a sucker for anything orange!

Thanks for visiting my blog! I really enjoyed reading yours. Love the pics of the girls. I am taking my 12 year old and her 2 friends in August.

Kelli said...

Thanks for visiting my's nice to meet you! I love pretty things too. I used to have my soap in a similar container...thanks for the reminder to get it out again!

The Momster said...

I have this soap in my kitchen that smells just like green's addictive. I find myself in there washing my hands just for that reason!
Thanks for visiting us today! Love your blog!

Unknown said...

I just had to comment I love your blog. I also saw on your profile that you watch The Amaze Race I love that show so much!

Simply Heart And Home said...


I'm so glad you found my blog and now I've found yours! It is delightful!

I can certainly appreciate your nice soap container. The orange color soap is very cheery! I am pleased when my green apple dawn goes on sale because I love to color and the scent of it! :)

Blessings to your day.


linda t said...

I am so tickled at the fact that you used the word "chortle"! I love that word and you have inspired me to use it! I know, get a life Linda!
Love your blog!